YUME GAI STUDIO 致力于家居产品设计革新。创始人盖雨萌毕业于美国罗德岛设计学院家具设计专业,作品曾获意大利A设计奖等国际奖项。在设计中着重关注传统与现代技术的融合,以及家具与周围环境及人的情感联系。
YUME GAI DESIGN 为品牌提供产品艺术设计服务,相信艺术设计为产品设计带来的活力。产品覆盖室内外家具、办公家具,床垫及家居纺织品,以及其它消费品领域。
盖雨萌毕业于美国罗德岛设计学院(Rhode Island School of Design)家具设计专业,之后成为了一名雕塑、纺织品、家具跨界艺术设计师。她偏好过程导向的实验性创作方式,作品大都经由她双手制作而成。在制作过程中,盖雨萌关注物品与人、空间、以及周围环境的情感联系,探索每件作品背后独特的性格和故事;在技术方面,她还擅长对结构,材质和工艺进行跨学科的探索和创新。
意大利 A'设计奖 | Iron A' Design Award in Furniture Design Category
意大利 Museo del Design- 国际优秀设计展| Museo del Design-international good design exhibition
纽约WantedDesign 国际院校设计展| WantedDesign Online International Schools Show
Righteous Design 展览| Sol Koffler Gallery
RISD 家具设计三年展| RISD Furniture Design Triennial Show
X 杂志发表| X -The College Hill Independent
In this project, I tried to use tufting as a tool to help me 'paint' a story on a metal frame. A story about the snow in my memory.
I was born and grew up in the northern part of China. In winter, it would be minus 30 degrees Ce l s i u s , a n d t h e wh o l e wo r l d was covered with snow. In my memory, after the heavy snowfall, the bare branches seemed to bloom thousands of snow-white flowers. Some branches have formed tree hangings, narrowing the distance between the tree and the ground. When viewed from afar, the exposed branches turned into simple lines, outlining the landscape. When walking closer, near the trunk, I can see each snowflake's shape, which is the most delicate petal in nature.
2021 年是不平常的一年,在地球另一端的普罗维登斯,冬季学期学校关闭课程全部移到线上。独自在公寓里构思项目,抬头看到窗外的雪,恍惚间就想起在老家哈尔滨读高中的时不知哪年的第一场雪,外套都来不及套上,大家伙儿一股脑冲到操场上迫不及待地搂起一捧雪火热"开战"。吵吵嚷嚷,热热闹闹。
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